Onsite Work Program
Mobile Work Crews
For companies that require the work to be completed within their own facilities and lack the work force needed to complete their contracts,
How it works

Work is Contracted to CMSE
Work is contracted based on a piece rate amount, which is agreed upon by both parties. The employees continue to be on CMSE’s payroll and are covered by the sheltered workshop’s own worker’s compensation insurance. Training and supervision for the employees are provided through funding from the Department of Mental Health. This staff support is long-term and will always be provided as long as the employees remain at the job site and the employer feels it necessary. The number of employees at each site varies depending on the particular needs of that company.

Employees Work Together
Persons with disabilities work alongside others doing the same work, although limited work abilities and behavioral needs may require that workers be situated in proximity of each other to enhance training and supervision. Workers with disabilities receive the same benefits as others in the company with respect to such procedures as working hours, lunch and break times.

Crew Grows as Needed
A job may start with only one or two employees and one staff member. Once these employees become acclimated to the new work environment and new job tasks then other employees with be added as they are needed. The workshop also has the capability of bringing in additional workers as needed and even shipping extra work back to the workshop if the need arises. Each site will have no more than eight employees, which are supervised by any one staff member.

Job is Completed to Satisfaction
Within the enclave, payment for work performed is commensurate with pay to others within the host company doing the same type and amount of work. Since the capability of each worker varies considerably, these employees are paid on a piece rate system that allows them to earn commensurate wages based on their actual work performance.